Stop the Bleed + Golden Hour Rescue
Golden Hour is part of the Stop the Bleed® Coalition – Bringing Battlefield proven and Scientifically Backed lifesaving techniques to our most vulnerable.
Get the App.
The Stop The Bleed® app can show you what to do in the event of a traumatic injury. When used in conjunction with an IFAK, anyone can have the supplies and information they need to help save a life.
What is Stop The Bleed®?
The STOP THE BLEED® campaign is based on lessons learned by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on how best to control severe bleeding. The goal of the STOP THE BLEED® is to train and equip private citizens to use these medically proven bleeding control practices to save the lives of people who have suffered a traumatic injury involving severe blood loss.
To achieve this goal, DoD has joined with a number of other governmental and private organizations in a public/private partnership to offer STOP THE BLEED® classes and to expand the availability of high quality STOP THE BLEED® kits and medical devices designed to control severe bleeding. To ensure the quality of the training classes and licensed products, DoD has registered the STOP THE BLEED® mark in the U.S. and many other countries. It operates a trademark licensing program in an effort to ensure that all training classes promoted under the STOP THE BLEED® brand teach DoD approved courses and that all licensed products meet or exceed DoD standards for quality and functionality.
Learn More.
To learn more about the science behind and practical applications for the latest innovations in emergency trauma medicine read the Hartford Consensus Compendium.